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Centered Intentional Parenting

For Parents Who Want to Follow Jesus Christ
Jesus and the Children - Brown Pastel - 11x14 - Copy (1).jpg

What is "Christ-Centered, Intentional Parenting"?


“Christ-Centered, Intentional Parenting” is parenting centered on Jesus Christ where parents earnestly strive to follow daily in His footsteps. Parents intentionally act in positive, calm ways instead of reacting in anger. Mistakes are opportunities to teach rather than an excuse to punish. Parents look for ways to express love, compassion, and encouragement as they learn to rely on the gift of the Holy Ghost and the example of Jesus Christ to parent with confidence and love.

Footsteps of Others

Read about other's attempts to integrate these teachings into their lives and share your experiences.

What people are saying about...

This book won't take you on a guilt trip. It will uplift and inspire simple changes that will bring your parenting to the next level!  Sherene Van Dyke masterfully keeps the focus on Jesus Christ and His attributes while sharing parenting tips that are doable and Christ-centered. I found the workbook toolbox sections so helpful! I highly recommend this book to parents who want a positive, practical read while learning more about the Savior. 

-Lani Hilton, mother of six

Sherene has created a beautiful, thoughtful book/workbook to help us all remember the attributes of Christ as we parent our beloved children. This book encourages us to learn through stories and personal questions how to have better responses and understanding as we navigate raising our children.  This book will not only help us with our families but all those we come into contact with.  

          - Michelle Kendall, author of Creating                                          Temple Patterns in Your Home

"Sherene has put her heart, wisdom, and life experience into putting this beautiful book together for Christ-Centered and Intentional Parenting! I would highly recommend this book to parents in any stage of life. The only success we can have comes through Jesus Christ, and she does a wonderful job helping to break down all the different ways of using the Gospel to help you through so many parenting challenges and heart-stretching experiences."
     - Andrea Palmer 

This book reads like a cozy afternoon on a friend's couch where problems are discussed and solutions are found. Sherene reminds us we can start where we are and move forward focusing on Jesus Christ for the parenting answers we seek. This guided study of His attributes will change your parenting and your family! 

 - Kirsten Ruebush, mother of eight

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